2016年11月11日,应西安电子科技大学教务处处长beat365亚洲体育在线郭宝龙教授邀请,英国曼彻斯特大学杨五强教授在G楼240报告厅为学院师生作了题为“Electrical capacitance tomography for imaging industrial processes”的学术报告,beat365亚洲体育在线在建设学校“三个一流”中,开拓国际视野,加强国家合作。此次学术报告正是学院在加强国家合作交流,开拓师生国际视野,加强前沿科技创新研究的具体举措实施。报告会由郭宝龙教授主持。
Wuqiang Yang is a Fellow of the IET (formerly IEEE), Fellow of the InstMC and Fellow of the IEEE. He received his BEng, MSc and PhD degrees from Tsinghua University in Beijing. Since 1991, he has been with The University of Manchester (formerly UMIST) in the UK and now is a professor in the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. His main research interests include industrial tomography, especially electrical capacitance tomography, image reconstruction algorithms, sensing and data acquisition systems, electronic circuit design, instrumentation and multiphase measurement. He has published over 300 papers, is a referee for over 40 journals (including 6 IEEE journals), editorial board member of 6 journals, guest editor of several journal special issues and visiting professor at 6 other universities. He received 1997 IEENPL Wheatstone Measurement Prize, 1997 Honeywell Prize from the InstMC, 2000 IEEEAyrton Premium, 2006 Global Research Award from the Royal Academy of Engineering, 2008 Outstanding Organization award from the IEEE I&M Society, 2009 Valued Reviewer from Sensors and Actuators journal, 2009 IET Innovation Award Finalist, and 2010 Outstanding Reviewer from Sensor Review journal. He is an honorary chairman of IEEE Int. Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques 2009-2012. His biography has been included in Who’s Who in the World, Who’s Who in Science and Engineering and Who’s Who in America since 2002.