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Faculty Staff

click:   time:2020-11-19

The School of Aerospace and Technology (SAST) boasts a faculty team comprising more than 30 teaching staffs drawn from renowned universities in China and foreign countries. These faculties include 2 dual-employed academicians, 7 full professors, 15 associate professors, 1 Shaanxi provincial outstanding teaching fellow, 1 university discipline leader, 1 university academic leader, and 3 university outstanding teaching fellow. Our faculties are conducting vibrant interdisciplinary research on measurement control, communication, navigation control, intelligent control as well as image engineering. We have won 1 national 973 research project, 7 national major projects on science and technology, 3 national 863 projects, 7 projects funded by national natural science foundation, and we have been authorized 27 national invention patents. Regarding to the teaching program, SAST has 1 National top-quality Course and 2 provincial top-quality courses.
